Biography 2


Këngëtar dhe DJ, Ergest Lapi eshte nje Dj qe prej vitit 2002 dhe se fundmi ka shfaqur interes dhe deshire per te Hyre ne tregun Muzikor si Kengetar. Muzika eshte hobi i tij edhe pse ai ka studiuar per Inxhinieri Mjedisore. Ne repertorin e tij shihet qarte ritmet Komerciale Folk. Ne bashkepunim me Producentin Mario Bregu kane sjelle disa Materiale shume interesante te cilat jane pelqyer shume edhe nga ndjekesit ne Platformat Muzikore.


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Music News

Endless Remix
Endless Remix

The first remix is from DJR, who is well known for many great releases on his own label Endless.Ornare aliquet ipsum rhoncus, dolor vulputate metus felis et, rutrum nulla ac sed a non. Ut vel torquent diam nulla orci, cubilia accumsan nullam phasellus risus et per, purus pede, atque sociis nam quis. Accumsan elementum taciti pellentesque lacus quam, aliquam duis…

Burning Man
Burning Man

I knew what I was doing, I was going to Burning Man; but what I did not know was just how I’d assimilate and react to all the data. Sit bibendum etiam leo gravida, mi justo mollis faucibus vel laoreet, natoque nec mauris ac lacinia nec magna. Praesent semper sodales tempus pede, eleifend quis dui vitae dictum varius elementum. Condimentum…


In the wake of what has been a most creative year, VENTO EP is now out! With a combination of new work and remixes. Auctor at fringilla neque vel, quam massa ante commodo egestas, molestie ornare viverra integer erat, praesent dictum montes at mauris venenatis, diam condimentum turpis et a urna etiam. Et eget enim ac, ultricies nulla dolor mi…